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Korean writing system, despite looking complicated, consists of only 24 basic letters and can be learned in just one day

The Korean alphabet, known commonly as ''Hangul'' in English but as ''Hangeul'' in the official standard Romanization rule, (한글, "great script"), is considered one of the most efficient and logical writing systems in the world. While most modern alphabets evolved from earlier hieroglyphics or ideographs, 한글 (Hangeul) was created specifically to make it easy to read and write the Korean language.

Although the characters of 한글 (Hangeul) may appear to be ideograms like the traditional Hanja (한자, 漢字), they really form an alphabet. Each block character represents one syllable and is made up of individual jamo (자모), much like the letters in the Latin alphabet. 한글 (Hangeul) is easy to learn because it has only 24 basic jamo.

See Wikipedia's entries on Hangul and Hanja for more about the history and design of the Korean writing systems


