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According to NASA researchers, an optimal nap will last between 20-30 minutes and a perfect nap will last exaclty 26 minutes.

The length of your nap is critical.

The pros and cons of different nap times will be discussed below, but to give a broad overview of how awesome napping can be, here are just some scientifically-proven upsides:

Research by NASA (on pilots) showed that a 26-minute nap enhanced performance by 34% and overall alertness by 54%.

Napping boosts a type of memory process that increases creativity.

Particularly when accompanied by dreaming, a nap can be an effective tool for improving memory and learning ability.

Napping at least three times a week for 30 minutes or more has been associated with a 37% lower risk of death from heart disease.

Just knowing a nap is coming is enough to lower blood pressure.

There can be psychological benefits, as a nap is an easy way to get some relaxation and rejuvenation, and reduce stress.

What explains all the above mentioned benefits of some simple daytime shut-eye?

Put simply, science is learning that sleep has a far more active function than previously believed. When you nap, you shut off your mind’s interaction with external cues, the things you see, hear and feel. As a result, your brain is given an opportunity to organize and digest everything it’s learned.




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