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A cat's collar bone is not connected to any other bone in its body. 

A – Cervical or Neck Bones (7 in number). B – Dorsal or Thoracic Bones (13 in number, each bearing a rib). C – Lumbar Bones (7 in number).D – Sacral Bones (3 in number).E – Caudal or Tail Bones (19 to 21 in number).1 – Cranium, or Skull.

2 – Mandible, or Lower jaw.

3 – Scapula, or Shoulder-blade.

4 – Sternum, or Breast-bone.

5 – Humerus.

6 – Radius.

7 – Phalanges of the Toes.

8 – Metacarpal Bones.

9 – Carpal or Wrist-bones.

10 – Ulna.

11 – Ribs.

12 – Patella, or Knee-cap.

13 – Tibia.

14 – Metatarsal Bones.

15 – Tarsal Bones.

16 – Fibula.

17 – Femur, or Thigh-bone.

18 – Pelvis, or Hip-bone.

Cats have seven cervical vertebrae like almost all mammals, thirteen thoracic vertebrae (humans have twelve), seven lumbar vertebrae (humans have five), three sacral vertebrae (humans have five because of their bipedal posture), and, except for Manx cats and other shorter tailed cats, twenty-two or twenty-three caudal vertebrae (humans have three to five, fused into an internal coccyx). The extra lumbar and thoracic vertebrae account for the cat's enhanced spinal mobility and flexibility, compared to humans. The caudal vertebrae form the tail, used by the cat as a counterbalance to the body during quick movements. Between their vertebrae, they have elastic discs, useful for cushioning the jump landings.


