Stephen Hawking held a party for time travelers, sent the invite out the day after, and no one showed up.

Stephen Hawking held a party for time travelers, sent the invite out the day after, and no one showed up.

What if you threw a party for time travelers but nobody showed up? Trick question — Stephen Hawking already did it. Hawking has been telling the story for a while now, explaining that “I have experimental evidence that time travel is not possible. I gave a party for time-travelers, but I didn’t send out the invitations until after the party. I sat there a long time, but no one came.” His “time traveler party” experiment was scheduled for June 29, 2009, and it was even featured in his Discovery series Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking.

So what the hell, time travelers? Not even one of you could be bothered to put in an appearance? He’s only one of the most brilliant minds of our time, you know. I mean sure, it could just be that time travel really is an impossibility, no matter how long our species survives or how far we advance technologically. But that sort of thinking is no fun at all, so here are some other possible reasons why Hawking’s time travel soiree was so unjustly snubbed.


