
Chicago's Field Museum has 10 colonies of flesh-eating beetles, who live and work at the museum cleaning animal bones for display.

Fallen Astronaut is a sculpture smuggled to the Moon as a memorial for those who have died in the advancement of space exploration.

Fallen Astronaut is a sculpture smuggled to the Moon as a memorial for those who have died in the advancement of space exploration.

According to NASA researchers, an optimal nap will last between 20-30 minutes and a perfect nap will last exaclty 26 minutes.

According to NASA researchers, an optimal nap will last between 20-30 minutes and a perfect nap will last exaclty 26 minutes.

The 1st book in history to provide the formula to gunpowder dates back to 1044 AD under the Song dynasty in China

The 1st book in history to provide the formula to gunpowder dates back to 1044 AD under the Song dynasty in China

Nutrition professor Mark Haub lost 27 pounds on a Twinkie/Dorito/Sugar diet to prove that weight loss is based on caloric intake, and not on nutrition.

Nutrition professor Mark Haub lost 27 pounds on a Twinkie/Dorito/Sugar diet to prove that weight loss is based on caloric intake, and not on nutrition.

In 1999, NASA lost a $125 million Mars orbiter because half the project staff used imperial measurements and the other half used metric.

In 1999, NASA lost a $125 million Mars orbiter because half the project staff used imperial measurements and the other half used metric.

Redheads produce more vitamin D than other hair colors, meaning they don't suffer as much from not being in the sun.

Redheads produce more vitamin D than other hair colors, meaning they don't suffer as much from not being in the sun.

Every year in the US, doctors' bad handwriting results in 7000 deaths, plus more than 1.5 million injuries.

Every year in the US, doctors' bad handwriting results in 7000 deaths, plus more than 1.5 million injuries.