Redheads produce more vitamin D than other hair colors, meaning they don't suffer as much from not being in the sun.

Redheads produce more vitamin D than other hair colors, meaning they don't suffer as much from not being in the sun.

Red hair is by far the most rare hair color in the world. According to a report by the BBC , an estimated one to two percent of the world’s population has natural red hair and the majority of these individuals live in Northern Europe. Women’s Health reports that people with red-hair often have increased self-esteem. This is due to the self-fulfilling prophecy that people with red hair are fiery and passionate. Although having red hair does not actually alter your personality, believing that it does is just as effective. Men’s Health also revealed that people with red hair have far more active sex lives than those with brown and blonde hair. As far as physical health, a shocking study found that people with red hair are more likely to develop Parkinson's disease. The genetic mutation that led to their bright hair color, also gives them a higher risk for developing the degenerative disease. This same genetic mutation makes people with red hair have a higher tolerance for anesthesia, which may or may not be a good thing, depending on how you look at it. Sun exposure can often be a problem for people with red-hair. Based on a report by the BBC, this is nothing to worry about for redheads because they are able to produce higher levels of vitamin D in their bodies than other hair colors. This means that lack of sunlight doesn’t affect a redhead as much as it would someone else.

Before you get too worried after reading these health risks associated with hair color, please take note that it is only based on natural hair color. So, dyeing your hair from brown to blonde will have absolutely no effect on the health of your skin or eyes. However, it is always helpful to know what health problem you are at risk for in order to most effectively prevent these issues from arising.




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