NATO must treat any attack on ally soil as if it were there own, unless it's Hawaii

NATO must treat any attack on ally soil as if it were there own, unless it's Hawaii

Article 6 states that the treaty only covers member nations' territories north of the Tropic of Cancer, plus French Algeria. It was the opinion in August 1965 of the US State Department, the US Defense Department and the legal division of NATO that an attack on the US state of Hawaii would not trigger the treaty, but an attack on the other 49 would.[31]On 16 April 2003, NATO agreed to take command of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), which includes troops from 42 countries. The decision came at the request of Germany and the Netherlands, the two nations leading ISAF at the time of the agreement, and all nineteen NATO ambassadors approved it unanimously. The handover of control to NATO took place on 11 August, and marked the first time in NATO's history that it took charge of a mission outside the north Atlantic area.[32]


