Random Facts, Daily Facts, InterestingCuriousOneFebruary 18, 2014Store, staycurious, Owned, Fact, Mexico, goverment, Gun, Facts, City, Only, Verified Only one Gun store in Mexico, owned by the government in Mexico City Random Facts, Daily Facts, InterestingCuriousOneFebruary 18, 2014Store, staycurious, Owned, Fact, Mexico, goverment, Gun, Facts, City, Only, Verified
Daily Facts, Random Facts, InterestingCuriousOneFebruary 13, 2014City, New, NYC, Most, Languages, Over, Fact, Linguistically, World, Facts, staycurious, Spoken, Making, Diverse, Verified, York Over 800 languages spoken in NYC, making it the most linguistically diverse city in the world. Daily Facts, Random Facts, InterestingCuriousOneFebruary 13, 2014City, New, NYC, Most, Languages, Over, Fact, Linguistically, World, Facts, staycurious, Spoken, Making, Diverse, Verified, York