Daily FactsCuriousOneDecember 12, 2016away, British, Buried, coincidence, Died, each, fact, facts, feet, first, from, Last, other, soldiers, staycuriousComment The first and last British soldiers that died in WWI are, by coincidence, buried 15 feet away from each other. Daily FactsCuriousOneDecember 12, 2016away, British, Buried, coincidence, Died, each, fact, facts, feet, first, from, Last, other, soldiers, staycuriousComment
Random FactsCuriousOneNovember 14, 2016away, gave, invented, lives, Patent, point, save, seatbelt, three, volvoComment Volvo invented the three-point seatbelt and gave the patent away to save lives. Random FactsCuriousOneNovember 14, 2016away, gave, invented, lives, Patent, point, save, seatbelt, three, volvoComment
Random FactsCuriousOneNovember 09, 2016anything, away, booth, civilization, fact, facts, from, lone, miles, mojave, number, phone, sms, staycurious, textComment "Mojave Phone Booth" was a lone phone booth miles away from anything Random FactsCuriousOneNovember 09, 2016anything, away, booth, civilization, fact, facts, from, lone, miles, mojave, number, phone, sms, staycurious, textComment
Random FactsCuriousOneJune 14, 2016away, badbea, blown, children, Down, pets, Scotland, tied, Village, windyComment The village of Badbea in Scotland was so windy ,children and animals had to be tied to posts or rocks to stop them being blown away. Random FactsCuriousOneJune 14, 2016away, badbea, blown, children, Down, pets, Scotland, tied, Village, windyComment
Random FactsCuriousOneMarch 15, 2016away, elephants, help, humans, injured, learned, miles, seekComment Elephants have learned that humans can help them, if injured, they seek out help from miles away Random FactsCuriousOneMarch 15, 2016away, elephants, help, humans, injured, learned, miles, seekComment
Random FactsCuriousOneJanuary 22, 2016away, diamond, ever, fifty, found, largest, Light, lucy, nicknamed, yearsComment The largest diamond ever found is nicknamed "Lucy" and is 50 light years away Random FactsCuriousOneJanuary 22, 2016away, diamond, ever, fifty, found, largest, Light, lucy, nicknamed, yearsComment
Random FactsCuriousOneFebruary 10, 201517, away, Benjamin, Franklin, fugitive, PA, pennsylvania, philadelphia, ran, runComment At age 17, Benjamin Franklin became a fugitive, running away to Philadelphia,PA Random FactsCuriousOneFebruary 10, 201517, away, Benjamin, Franklin, fugitive, PA, pennsylvania, philadelphia, ran, runComment