Random FactsCuriousOneJanuary 11, 2017advertising, billboards, complete, fact, facts, largely, responsible, staycurious, vermontComment One man is largely responsible for the complete ban on advertising billboards in the US state of Vermont Random FactsCuriousOneJanuary 11, 2017advertising, billboards, complete, fact, facts, largely, responsible, staycurious, vermontComment
Random FactsCuriousOneApril 28, 2015Ban, blackcurrant, fact, facts, Federal, largely, States, staycurious, united, unknown, USComment Blackcurrants are largely unknown in the U.S. Because of a Federal Ban Random FactsCuriousOneApril 28, 2015Ban, blackcurrant, fact, facts, Federal, largely, States, staycurious, united, unknown, USComment