Random FactsCuriousOneJanuary 24, 2017combust, fact, facts, grass, hay, left, piles, spontaneously, staycurious, wetComment Wet hay or grass can spontaneously combust when left in piles Random FactsCuriousOneJanuary 24, 2017combust, fact, facts, grass, hay, left, piles, spontaneously, staycurious, wetComment
Random FactsCuriousOneAugust 18, 2016after, again, Covered, downtown, found, left, Light, neon, over, Restaurant, still, then, working, yearsComment A neon light was left on and covered over in a downtown LA restaurant, then found again still working after 77 years. Random FactsCuriousOneAugust 18, 2016after, again, Covered, downtown, found, left, Light, neon, over, Restaurant, still, then, working, yearsComment
Random FactsCuriousOneMarch 02, 2016cheek, dualing, during, fashionable, germany, left, scar, UsedComment It used to be "fashionable" to have a "Dueling Scar" on your left cheek during Pre-War Germany Random FactsCuriousOneMarch 02, 2016cheek, dualing, during, fashionable, germany, left, scar, UsedComment
Random FactsCuriousOneFebruary 06, 2015Austin, left, moonlight, ones, only, texas, towerComment Austin,Texas is the only city in the world known to still have "Moonlight Towers". 165 ft. Light towers , lighting a 1500 ft. Radius bright enough to see a watch. Random FactsCuriousOneFebruary 06, 2015Austin, left, moonlight, ones, only, texas, towerComment