Random FactsCuriousOneJanuary 31, 2017americans, average, Back, each, enough, fact, facts, miles, million, paper, reach, staycurious, Sun, toilet, YearComment Americans use an average of 433 million miles of toilet paper each year, enough to stretch to the sun and back Random FactsCuriousOneJanuary 31, 2017americans, average, Back, each, enough, fact, facts, miles, million, paper, reach, staycurious, Sun, toilet, YearComment
Random FactsCuriousOneNovember 12, 2015challenging, features, geological, inaccesibility, location, marks, most, owing, Pole, reachComment A "Pole of Inaccessibility" marks a location that is most challenging to reach owing to its geological features Random FactsCuriousOneNovember 12, 2015challenging, features, geological, inaccesibility, location, marks, most, owing, Pole, reachComment
Random FactsCuriousOneOctober 20, 2015david, first, hempleman-adams, north, person, poles, reach, southComment David Hempleman-Adams was the first person in history to reach the North and South Poles Random FactsCuriousOneOctober 20, 2015david, first, hempleman-adams, north, person, poles, reach, southComment
Daily Facts, Animals, Random FactsCuriousOneNovember 07, 2014Heart, facts, Produce, staycurious, bpm, over, Hummingbird, Rate, fact, reach, VerifiedComment A hummingbirds heart rate can reach over 1,260 BPM Daily Facts, Animals, Random FactsCuriousOneNovember 07, 2014Heart, facts, Produce, staycurious, bpm, over, Hummingbird, Rate, fact, reach, VerifiedComment