The busiest Costco in the US is in.....Honolulu (Costco Iwilei)

We drove the 13 minute trip to the Costco Iwilei location. Costco Iwilei is always battling Costco Maui for the title of busiest Costco in the United States and in Hawaii. We have been to the majority of the Costco locations in Hawaii and every time we were at the Costco Iwilei location, the foot traffic was outrageous. Not only were the gas lines some of the longest I have ever seen in my life, but it felt like it was black Friday once I got into the warehouse.The busiest costco in the united states map
Even though the Costco Iwilei location was insanely busy, the building still looked really good. There wasn’t boxes everywhere, the product was being constantly stocked by employees, and the fresh departments had ample product to choose from. One of the interesting things I noticed was that the items in the deli were priced about .50 cents higher than they are on the mainland. I am sure that has to do with the extra transportation cost getting the ingredients to the island. I have included a bunch of pictures in the gallery below, but let me warn you that these are some of the worst pictures I have ever taken. They are blurry, crooked, and you can barley tell what their of. I honestly can’t tell you why they came out so poorly. While we were on the island we stopped by this Costco numerous times and I never thought to look at the pictures I had taken the first time, let alone take new pictures. We will be going back to Hawaii in a few months and I will add the updated pictures and some video.