
In 1981, Ronald Reagan fired 11,345 air traffic controllers after they refused to end their strike and subsequently banned them from federal service for life

In 1981, Ronald Reagan fired 11,345 air traffic controllers after they refused to end their strike and subsequently banned them from federal service for life

Electric/hybrid cars are so quiet they had to add artificial noise to them which will help prevent about 2,400 pedestrian injuries each year

Electric/hybrid cars are so quiet they had to add artificial noise to them which will help prevent about 2,400 pedestrian injuries each year

The Confederate States altered their constitution to prevent bills from having hidden agendas buried in them to try to sneak them through

The Confederate States altered their constitution to prevent bills from having hidden agendas buried in them to try to sneak them through

A Detroit man is incredibly good at winning carnival games. In fact, he has won nearly 250,000 large stuffed animals in his lifetime... and donated them all to various charities.

A Detroit man is incredibly good at winning carnival games. In fact, he has won nearly 250,000 large stuffed animals in his lifetime... and donated them all to various charities.

The Titanic crew had no binoculars , which may have helped them see the iceberg. They were inside a locker and the key was lost.

The Titanic crew had no binoculars , which may have helped them see the iceberg. They were inside a locker and the key was lost.