
In 1981, Ronald Reagan fired 11,345 air traffic controllers after they refused to end their strike and subsequently banned them from federal service for life

In 1981, Ronald Reagan fired 11,345 air traffic controllers after they refused to end their strike and subsequently banned them from federal service for life

The current world record holder for world's oldest dog is Bluey, who lived from 1910 to 1939 and died at the age of 29 years and 5 months.

The current world record holder for world's oldest dog is Bluey, who lived from 1910 to 1939 and died at the age of 29 years and 5 months.

The word "utopia" is a pun. It comes from the Greek word for "good place" but also "no place." It's good, but it doesn't exist.

The word "utopia" is a pun. It comes from the Greek word for "good place" but also "no place." It's good, but it doesn't exist.

Two people die and about 25 more are injured each year from falling bullets from celebratory gunfire on New Year's Eve.

Two people die and about 25 more are injured each year from falling bullets from celebratory gunfire on New Year's Eve.

A tomato plant was found on a volcanic island. Scientists weren't able to figure out how it got there, turns out it had grown from the feces of a scientist that took a dump there.

Elephants have been known to extract spears from wounded friends, and to stay with infants born with disabilities.

Elephants have been known to extract spears from wounded friends, and to stay with infants born with disabilities.

Dreadlocks did not originate from black culture. Dreadlocks date back to ancient Egypt, ancient Greece and even the Vikings.

Dreadlocks did not originate from black culture. Dreadlocks date back to ancient Egypt, ancient Greece and even the Vikings.