Random FactsCuriousOneDecember 05, 2016concentration, defended, dolphins, fact, facts, housed, largest, miles, nukes, seattle, staycurious, Trained, twenty, WorldsComment The world's largest concentration of nukes is housed 20 miles NW of Seattle, and it's defended by trained dolphins. Random FactsCuriousOneDecember 05, 2016concentration, defended, dolphins, fact, facts, housed, largest, miles, nukes, seattle, staycurious, Trained, twenty, WorldsComment
Random FactsCuriousOneNovember 26, 2015associated, canadian, engineers, ethics, iron, many, obligations, profession, reminder, ring, symbol, Trained, wornComment The Iron Ring is a ring worn by many Canadian-trained engineers, as a symbol and reminder of the obligations and ethics associated with their profession. Random FactsCuriousOneNovember 26, 2015associated, canadian, engineers, ethics, iron, many, obligations, profession, reminder, ring, symbol, Trained, wornComment
Interesting, Random Facts, Daily FactsCuriousOneJanuary 24, 2015Verified, Trained, Fact, Ruth, Doctor, Facts, staycurious, Also, Famed, Enthusiast, sniperComment Dr.Ruth - famed sex enthusiast, was also a trained Sniper Interesting, Random Facts, Daily FactsCuriousOneJanuary 24, 2015Verified, Trained, Fact, Ruth, Doctor, Facts, staycurious, Also, Famed, Enthusiast, sniperComment