Daily Facts, Records, Random Facts, Interesting, HistoryCuriousOneMay 23, 2018That, Britain, Wasn't Until, Female, Secret, Doctor, staycurious, Death, Finally, Verified, Doctors, Fact, First, Discovered, Facts, Years, Until, After, Spent, DisguisedComment The first female doctor in Britain spent 56 years disguised as a man. It wasn’t until after her death in 1865, that the doctor’s secret was finally discovered. Daily Facts, Records, Random Facts, Interesting, HistoryCuriousOneMay 23, 2018That, Britain, Wasn't Until, Female, Secret, Doctor, staycurious, Death, Finally, Verified, Doctors, Fact, First, Discovered, Facts, Years, Until, After, Spent, DisguisedComment
Random FactsCuriousOneMay 18, 2016Doctor, ghonoarrhea, injects, own, Penis, sacrifice, self, ultimateComment The Ultimate Self-Sacrifice: Years Ago, A Doctor Injected Gonorrhea Pus Into His Own Penis To Advance Medicine Random FactsCuriousOneMay 18, 2016Doctor, ghonoarrhea, injects, own, Penis, sacrifice, self, ultimateComment
Random FactsCuriousOneAugust 14, 2015awarded, change, dartmouth, Doctor, doctorate, geisel, name, Real, seuss, theodoreComment Dartmouth awarded Theodore Seuss Geisel a doctorate to change his name to Dr.Seuss Random FactsCuriousOneAugust 14, 2015awarded, change, dartmouth, Doctor, doctorate, geisel, name, Real, seuss, theodoreComment
Random FactsCuriousOneAugust 11, 2015adult, book, Doctor, Dr, godivas, lady, seuss, seven, the, writtenComment "The Seven Lady Godivas" is one of Dr.Seuss"s few books written for adults Random FactsCuriousOneAugust 11, 2015adult, book, Doctor, Dr, godivas, lady, seuss, seven, the, writtenComment
Random FactsCuriousOneFebruary 17, 2015association, Doctor, Doll, hospital, repair, States, unitedComment There are Doll Hospitals and a Doll Doctor Association in the United States Random FactsCuriousOneFebruary 17, 2015association, Doctor, Doll, hospital, repair, States, unitedComment
Interesting, Random Facts, Daily FactsCuriousOneJanuary 24, 2015Verified, Trained, Fact, Ruth, Doctor, Facts, staycurious, Also, Famed, Enthusiast, sniperComment Dr.Ruth - famed sex enthusiast, was also a trained Sniper Interesting, Random Facts, Daily FactsCuriousOneJanuary 24, 2015Verified, Trained, Fact, Ruth, Doctor, Facts, staycurious, Also, Famed, Enthusiast, sniperComment