Random FactsCuriousOneFebruary 27, 2017andy, art, artworks, drawn, fact, facts, Moon, museum, Penis, staycurious, there, warholComment There is an art museum on the moon, and one of the artworks is a penis drawn by Andy Warhol Random FactsCuriousOneFebruary 27, 2017andy, art, artworks, drawn, fact, facts, Moon, museum, Penis, staycurious, there, warholComment
Random FactsCuriousOneFebruary 12, 2017dyslexia, easier, fact, facts, font, makes, People, reading, staycurious, text, that, there, withComment There is a a font that makes reading text easier for people with dyslexia Random FactsCuriousOneFebruary 12, 2017dyslexia, easier, fact, facts, font, makes, People, reading, staycurious, text, that, there, withComment
Random FactsCuriousOneFebruary 08, 2017deadly, eight, fact, facts, Originally, sins, staycurious, there, wereComment There were originally 8 deadly sins Random FactsCuriousOneFebruary 08, 2017deadly, eight, fact, facts, Originally, sins, staycurious, there, wereComment
Random FactsCuriousOneNovember 09, 2016called, combines, competitive, jogging, joggling, juggling, sport, thereComment There is a competitive sport called joggling that combines jogging and juggling Random FactsCuriousOneNovember 09, 2016called, combines, competitive, jogging, joggling, juggling, sport, thereComment
Random FactsCuriousOneOctober 21, 2016acclamation, fact, facts, loudest, Meaning, opinions, side, spartans, staycurious, there, they, Used, Vote, voting, yelledComment Spartans used Voting by Acclamation, meaning they yelled their opinions, and the side that yelled the loudest won the vote Random FactsCuriousOneOctober 21, 2016acclamation, fact, facts, loudest, Meaning, opinions, side, spartans, staycurious, there, they, Used, Vote, voting, yelledComment
Random FactsCuriousOneSeptember 26, 2016enough, house, island, just, known, room, that, there, treeComment There is an island known as "Just Room Enough Island" that has just enough room for a tree and a house. Random FactsCuriousOneSeptember 26, 2016enough, house, island, just, known, room, that, there, treeComment
Random FactsCuriousOneSeptember 08, 2016issued, launch, lawful, Nuclear, order, orders, president, sane, that, there, verification, whenComment There is no verification that the president is sane or the order lawful when nuclear launch orders are issued. Random FactsCuriousOneSeptember 08, 2016issued, launch, lawful, Nuclear, order, orders, president, sane, that, there, verification, whenComment
Random FactsCuriousOneSeptember 04, 2016arctic, banana, circle, from, iceland, just, miles, plantation, that, thereComment There is a banana plantation in Iceland, just 177 miles from the Arctic Circle Random FactsCuriousOneSeptember 04, 2016arctic, banana, circle, from, iceland, just, miles, plantation, that, thereComment
Random FactsCuriousOneJuly 12, 2016around, been, currently, Man, russia, since, there, tranlates, walking, worldComment There is a man who has been walking around the world since 1998. He is currently in Russia. Random FactsCuriousOneJuly 12, 2016around, been, currently, Man, russia, since, there, tranlates, walking, worldComment
Random FactsCuriousOneJune 07, 2016carolina, fewer, flytraps, living, north, than, there, Venus, wildComment There are fewer than 33,000 Venus flytraps living in the wild, and they're all in North Carolina. Random FactsCuriousOneJune 07, 2016carolina, fewer, flytraps, living, north, than, there, Venus, wildComment
Random FactsCuriousOneFebruary 18, 2015100k, articles, fact, facts, fully, latin, over, staycurious, there, translated, Wikipedia, withComment There is a Latin Wikipedia with over 100,000 fully-translated articles Random FactsCuriousOneFebruary 18, 2015100k, articles, fact, facts, fully, latin, over, staycurious, there, translated, Wikipedia, withComment
Random Facts, Daily Facts, InterestingCuriousOneDecember 15, 2014Mona, louvre, there, lisa, Staycurious, Two, Facts, paintings, Fact, Isleworth, SecondComment There are 2 "Mona Lisa" paintings, one at the Louvre and the "Isleworth Mona Lisa" Random Facts, Daily Facts, InterestingCuriousOneDecember 15, 2014Mona, louvre, there, lisa, Staycurious, Two, Facts, paintings, Fact, Isleworth, SecondComment