Random FactsCuriousOneFebruary 27, 2017andy, art, artworks, drawn, fact, facts, Moon, museum, Penis, staycurious, there, warholComment There is an art museum on the moon, and one of the artworks is a penis drawn by Andy Warhol Random FactsCuriousOneFebruary 27, 2017andy, art, artworks, drawn, fact, facts, Moon, museum, Penis, staycurious, there, warholComment
Random FactsCuriousOneJuly 19, 20152012, hole, into, Man, monet, museum, punched, walkedComment In 2012 a man walked into a museum and punched a hole through a Monet painting Random FactsCuriousOneJuly 19, 20152012, hole, into, Man, monet, museum, punched, walkedComment
Random FactsCuriousOneJune 08, 2015display, killer, Medical, mummified, museum, proof, serial, sirirajComment Siriraj Medical Museum - Mummified serial killer on display to prove he was actually executed Random FactsCuriousOneJune 08, 2015display, killer, Medical, mummified, museum, proof, serial, sirirajComment
Random FactsCuriousOneApril 03, 2015art, Best, bic, crystal, museum, pen, selling, worldComment Bic Cristal - best selling pen in the world "Bic Cristal", design was so popular its showcased at the Museum Of Modern Art in NYC Random FactsCuriousOneApril 03, 2015art, Best, bic, crystal, museum, pen, selling, worldComment