The longest known survivor of ALS is Stephen Hawking

The longest known survivor of ALS is Stephen Hawking

It's wonderful that we are celebrating Stephen's 70th birthday. It's a chance to thank him for the many insights he's given us about the universe, and ... for the inspiration he's offered to millions by achieving so much against all the odds, Astronomer Royal Martin Rees was quoted by Reuters .Hawkings was due to speak at a symposium Sunday that was cancelled as he recovered from an undisclosed illness that recently left him hospitalized.

In 1963, doctors diagnosed the then 21-year-old Hawkings with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a disease made famous by baseball great Lou Gehrig who died from the neurodegenerative disorder. Hawkings beat all odds not only by surviving the disease but becoming one of the most celebrated physicists of his time, including becoming the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge University, a teaching post once held by Sir Isaac Newton himself. Hawking recently retired from the post, but is currently the director of research at the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics at Cambridge. Doctors initially estimated that the physicist would live two more years, but Hawking outlasted them by decades. He is known as one of the longest, if not the longest, surviving patients with ALS in history. Over time, his health has deteriorated: he is confined to a wheelchair and in 1985, he lost his ability to speak, but he remained an engaging scientist. His ability to engage people in the process of scientific discovery through his books, lectures, and television programs has opened countless inquisitive minds to a universe full of possibilities, Justin Rattner, chief technology officer at Intel, which provides Hawking's voice synthesizer, told Reuters.


