Youngest birth mother on record is 5 years and 7 months old.

Lina Medina, from the Ticrapo District of Peru, gave birth by cesarean section in Lima at age 5 1⁄2. The infant was a 2.64 kg (5.8 lb), 47.5 cm (18.7 in) boy named Gerardo. Medina's parents, who assumed their daughter had a tumor, took her to a hospital in late March, where she then was found to be 7 months pregnant. By interrogating her parents, the doctors understood that Medina had entered into precocious puberty (when hormone glands are activated earlier than normal) very early after her birth.[1][2][3][4][5] Although Medina's father was arrested on suspicion of sexual abuse, he was later released due to lack of evidence, and the baby's biological father was never identified.[1][4]




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