
The current world record holder for world's oldest dog is Bluey, who lived from 1910 to 1939 and died at the age of 29 years and 5 months.

The current world record holder for world's oldest dog is Bluey, who lived from 1910 to 1939 and died at the age of 29 years and 5 months.

The Great Sphinx of Giza is so old that its first restoration dates to 1400 BC, when it was already a thousand years old

The Great Sphinx of Giza is so old that its first restoration dates to 1400 BC, when it was already a thousand years old

The first female doctor in Britain spent 56 years disguised as a man. It wasn’t until after her death in 1865, that the doctor’s secret was finally discovered.

Two people die and about 25 more are injured each year from falling bullets from celebratory gunfire on New Year's Eve.

Two people die and about 25 more are injured each year from falling bullets from celebratory gunfire on New Year's Eve.

Soccer player Ronaldinho came to media attention at 13 years old when his team won 23-0. He'd scored all 23 goals.

Soccer player Ronaldinho came to media attention at 13 years old when his team won 23-0. He'd scored all 23 goals.