Random Facts, Daily Facts, AnimalsCuriousOneFebruary 21, 2014staycurious, Give, Nearly, Quadruplets, Birth, Armadillos, Verified, Always, Identical, fact, Facts, Most Most armadillos nearly always give birth to identical quadruplets. Random Facts, Daily Facts, AnimalsCuriousOneFebruary 21, 2014staycurious, Give, Nearly, Quadruplets, Birth, Armadillos, Verified, Always, Identical, fact, Facts, Most
Random Facts, Daily Facts, Records, InterestingCuriousOneFebruary 21, 2014Verified, Record, Birth, Facts, Mother, Fact, Youngest, staycurious, Months, Years Youngest birth mother on record is 5 years and 7 months old. Random Facts, Daily Facts, Records, InterestingCuriousOneFebruary 21, 2014Verified, Record, Birth, Facts, Mother, Fact, Youngest, staycurious, Months, Years