Random Facts, Science, Interesting, Daily FactsCuriousOneJuly 19, 2018Facts, Made, String, Peeled, Milk, Line, Mozzarella, Heating, They, Which, Proteins, Cheese, Verified, Then, Strings, staycurious, Fact, CausesComment String cheese is made by heating mozzarella to 60 °C which causes the milk proteins to line up. They can then be peeled off in strings. Random Facts, Science, Interesting, Daily FactsCuriousOneJuly 19, 2018Facts, Made, String, Peeled, Milk, Line, Mozzarella, Heating, They, Which, Proteins, Cheese, Verified, Then, Strings, staycurious, Fact, CausesComment
Random Facts, Daily Facts, Interesting, InventionsCuriousOneJanuary 08, 2015hang, Animal, staycurious, tree, crackers, String, fact, Xmas, factsComment The string on Animal Crackers, is there to hang on a Xmas tree Random Facts, Daily Facts, Interesting, InventionsCuriousOneJanuary 08, 2015hang, Animal, staycurious, tree, crackers, String, fact, Xmas, factsComment