
The Great Sphinx of Giza is so old that its first restoration dates to 1400 BC, when it was already a thousand years old

The Great Sphinx of Giza is so old that its first restoration dates to 1400 BC, when it was already a thousand years old

Nutrition professor Mark Haub lost 27 pounds on a Twinkie/Dorito/Sugar diet to prove that weight loss is based on caloric intake, and not on nutrition.

Nutrition professor Mark Haub lost 27 pounds on a Twinkie/Dorito/Sugar diet to prove that weight loss is based on caloric intake, and not on nutrition.

The chocolate layers between the wafer layers in a Kit-Kat bar is made of crushed up Kit-Kat bars that didn't make it past quality control.

The chocolate layers between the wafer layers in a Kit-Kat bar is made of crushed up Kit-Kat bars that didn't make it past quality control.

There is a museum in Sweden, called 'The Museum of Failure', that collects and showcases failed products and services.

There is a museum in Sweden, called 'The Museum of Failure', that collects and showcases failed products and services.

The first female doctor in Britain spent 56 years disguised as a man. It wasn’t until after her death in 1865, that the doctor’s secret was finally discovered.