
J.M. Barrie added the requirement of fairy dust for flying, because so many children injured themselves trying to fly after seeing the first production of “Peter Pan”

J.M. Barrie added the requirement of fairy dust for flying, because so many children injured themselves trying to fly after seeing the first production of “Peter Pan”

The Great Sphinx of Giza is so old that its first restoration dates to 1400 BC, when it was already a thousand years old

The Great Sphinx of Giza is so old that its first restoration dates to 1400 BC, when it was already a thousand years old

The 1st book in history to provide the formula to gunpowder dates back to 1044 AD under the Song dynasty in China

The 1st book in history to provide the formula to gunpowder dates back to 1044 AD under the Song dynasty in China

The "Tower of the Winds" (in Athens) is considered to be the first ever meteorological station. It features eight sundials, a water clock and a wind vane

The "Tower of the Winds" (in Athens) is considered to be the first ever meteorological station. It features eight sundials, a water clock and a wind vane

The first female doctor in Britain spent 56 years disguised as a man. It wasn’t until after her death in 1865, that the doctor’s secret was finally discovered.

The island nations of Kiribati and Samoa are the first to welcome the New Year while Honolulu, Hawaii is among the last.

The island nations of Kiribati and Samoa are the first to welcome the New Year while Honolulu, Hawaii is among the last.